Galveston Beach Patrol goes above and beyond, even during times of crisis

The Galveston Beach Patrol handles about 7 million people a year on their busy shores, and because of that, they take on a lot of roles. However, during disasters like Hurricane Harvey, they add one more unexpected title to that list. FOX 26 Photojournalist Darlene Janik Faires has the story.

US Coast Guard looks back on the more than 11,000 rescues made during Hurricane Harvey

With the 5-year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey upon us, we are talking to the United States Coast Guard as they look back on that day, when they performed more than 11,000 rescues by air and by boats. FOX 26 Photojournalist Darlene Janik Faires spoke with two of the Coast Guard helicopter rescue swimmers, Petty Officer Tyler Gantt and Chief Graham McGinnis, about those rescues.

How hurricane kits have evolved

Harvey showed Houston that any one of us could be dramatically impacted by flooding. FOX 26 Meteorologist John Dawson explains the importance of being prepared.

FOX 26 Houston team reflects on Hurricane Harvey

Five years ago, our FOX 26 family was with you before, during and after Hurricane Harvey. The team looks back on efforts to bring around-the-clock coverage to keep the community safe and informed, while also trying to keep themselves and their families safe.

What happened to Hurricane Harvey relief money

Recovery has been a long process and incomplete for some people. FOX 26 Anchor Jonathan Martin sat down with Mayor Sylvester Turner to talk about the mess that has delayed recovery for some Houston residents.

How Rebuilding Together Houston helped residents after Harvey

A local housing nonprofit that has been around for 40 years stepped in to help minority homeowners who were seriously affected by Hurricane Harvey's floodwaters. After the work was done, they were singing the praises of Rebuilding Together Houston.