Houston Police moving forward on neglected cases

"Behind the 8 ball" - something of an understatement in describing the location of Chief Troy Finner during the six weeks that have passed since we all learned that the Houston police department he leads simply never investigated more than a quarter million criminal incidents - including thousands of sexual assaults.

 Finner has persevered....pledging full accountability and assuring the community that this decade-long dereliction of fundamental duty - will never be repeated.

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 This week, in a two-hour, closed-door, no cameras, conversation with reporters from across the city, the chief said the initial internal investigation will be complete by  the end of the month.

 Finner doubled down on his claim that he had no knowledge of the administrative "case-shelving" practice until November 20-21 and ordered it discontinued - an order he trusted his command subordinates to carry out.

Now immersed in the damage control phase of this scandal - Finner says his officers have so far reviewed around 68 thousand of the quarter million suspended cases - with priority given to alleged sexual assaults and other crimes of violence. 

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