METRO revised schedule for Thanksgiving holiday

(Photo Credit to METRO)
HOUSTON - METRO announced their bus and rail systems will operate on different schedules for Thanksgiving.
On Thanksgiving Day and on Friday, The local bus and METRORail will operate on Sunday schedules. METRORapid services will be limited and detours will be in place because of events on Thanksgiving Day.
METRO curb2burb will operate on its regular schedule. METRO RideStores and Lost and Found will be closed.
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On Nov. 26 and 27, local buses, METRORapid and METRORail will return to operate on regular weekend schedules. METRO curb2curb service will operate on a regular schedule.
Park and Ride routed will not operate on any of the four days.
The METROLift Reservations and Customer Service offices will be closed on Nov. 24- 25. All Thursday and Friday subscription trips will be canceled. METRO asks that customers call the reservation line by Wednesday to schedule trips from Nov. 24-28 at 713-225-6716.
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For HOV/HOT lanes, all lanes will open inbound on Nov. 23 at 5 a.m. and close at 10 a.m, while they will open outbound at 11 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. All lanes will also be closed on Thanksgiving Day and reopen the next day on a regular schedule.
On Nov. 26 and Sunday, Nov. 27, all lanes will be open and operate on a regular schedule. The Katy-CBD HOV ramp between Taylor/Studemont Street and Franklin Street in downtown will operate continuously.
The Customer Service call center will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Customers can continue calling and texting 713-635-4000 on Nov. 25 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information on METRO's revised schedule, click here.