Ex-Redskins owner's daughter accused of hitting man with 'glass purse' during anti-Semitic rant

NEW YORK - (FOX NEWS) -- Jacqueline Kent Cooke, the daughter of former Washington Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke, was arrested Wednesday after a New Year’s Eve outing that allegedly included saying “hurry up, Jew” and then clocking a lawyer in the head with a pricey glass purse, the New York Daily News reported.
Lawyer Matthew Haberkorn, 52, told the News that Cooke became irate when she waited behind his 77-year-old mother in the coat-check line.
“Hurry up, Jew,” Cooke said, according to Haberkorn, who was also joined at the restaurant Caravaggio by his wife and four daughters.
As Haberkorn confronted Cooke, the socialite’s boyfriend taunted his daughters, saying “Happy bat mitzvah, girls,” Thomas and Haberkorn told the News.
Outside the restaurant, Haberkorn says he was continuing to exchange words with Cooke when she “smashed” him violently with her glass purse, causing a gaping head wound.
Haberkorn’s attorney’s released the following statement:
Cooke was charged with assault Wednesday evening.