Uber glitch charges Canadian man $14,000 for five-mile ride

CANADA (FOX 13) - A glitch in surge-pricing ended up charging a Toronto man $14,000 for an Uber ride.
The man said it was a five-mile trip that lasted about 20 minutes, but his receipt showed he was charged roughly $18,500 in Canadian cash, which is $14,000 in U.S. cash. The ride should have cost between $12 to $16.
Slate reported Uber first refused to provide the passenger a refund, but after the passenger’s friend complained on Twitter, Uber admitted the mistake and refunded his cash.
The company released a statement to Slate saying there was an error and it had been resolved.
There was an error here and it has been resolved. We have provided a full refund to this rider and apologized to him for this experience. We have safeguards in place to help prevent something like this from happening, and we are working to understand how this occurred.