TUITION PAID! Anonymous gift pays tuition for first class of UH College of Medicine

Thanks to an anonymous donor and a generous gift, the entire first class of University of Houston's College of Medicine won't have to shell out thousands of dollars in tuition! The gift marks a scholarship milestone for University of Houston. 

The University of Houston College of Medicine received an anonymous $3 million gift, which will fund the full tuition for the college’s inaugural class of 30 medical students in fall 2020. The college aims for at least 50 percent of each graduating class to specialize in primary care. 

“Student debt is the number one deterrent for students when applying to medical school,” said Renu Khator, president of the University of Houston. “This generous gift will allow such students an opportunity to attend and ultimately lead the future medical workforce. As a result, the UH College of Medicine will increase access to primary care, enhance quality of life and strengthen Houston as a business destination.”

UH College of Medicine vice president of medical affairs and founding dean Dr. Stephen J. Spann said, “The UH College of Medicine wants to be known nationally for producing doctors who have a deep understanding of health disparities, who know how to work in the community and who are experts in providing ‘high-value’ health care,”

The gift also goes toward the $1 billion “Here, We Go” Campaign, the University’s first public, comprehensive campaign in 25 years. “Thanks to this amazing gift, we’re one step closer to becoming a major resource for the community by addressing the shortage of primary care physicians.”