Texas Rep. Borris Miles leads legislative effort to form civilian review boards

It was the brutal beating of Chad Holley by Houston Police Department officers in 2010 that prompted dramatic protests around the city of Houston.

Activists wanted a permanent civilian review board with subpoena and prosecutorial powers to investigate Houston police officers caught going too far. Those ongoing protests in the past prompted State Representative Borris Miles to take action. He's now in Austin pushing a civilian review board with teeth.

Miles filed Texas House Bill 261, which would create the body with the ability to investigate and subpoena officer records in Texas cities with a population of at least 2 million people.

The House has yet to vote on the measure.

The Houston Police Officers' Union opposes the bill.

Doug Griffith says Houston Mayor Annise Parker created an oversight board back in 2011. He adds that the best deterant for officers misbehaving is body cameras.

HPD has 100 body cameras in use on city streets and is prepared to buy more when funding is available.