Teen sexually assaulted by masked man near Angleton railroad crossing

Angleton police are searching for a masked man who sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman at gunpoint. The sexual assault happened Wednesday night.

The woman was reportedly sitting in her car on the 200 block of South Anderson street, near the railroad tracks in Angleton. Authorities say that a man then got inside, pointed a gun at her, and forced her to drive a short distance before forcing her out and sexually assaulting her. Police say the suspect is an African-American male, around 5'7" with a muscular build wearing a black mask and hoodie.

Investigators warn people to keep your vehicle doors locked when you are inside your car and be aware of your surroundings, especially when you are stopped at intersections.  If you have any information about this case, please contact Angleton Police Department at 979.849.2383