Police officer refused service at Arby's

Fast food chain Arby’s has apologized to a Florida police department after one of its officers was refused service at a drive thru window. It happened to a member of the Pembroke Pines Police Department on Monday evening.
When the uniformed officer drove up to the window she was told she wasn't going to be served because she was a police officer.
"I am offended and appalled that an individual within our community would treat a police officer in such a manner. It is unacceptable," stated Police Chief Dan Giustino.
He called it an isolated incident "confined to a single individual".
The police chief said that ironically, a local mother and her daughter visited police headquarters that same evening and dropped off cookies and a 'Thank You' card to show their appreciation.
Arby’s CEO Paul Brown and Senior Vice President of Operations Scott Boatwright, called Police Chief Dan Giustino on Wednesday morning and apologized.
According to a post on the department's Facebook page: "Both gentlemen assured Chief Giustino that the employee’s behavior was unacceptable and not representative of the company’s values. Chief Giustino was appreciative and accepted their apology and now considers this matter closed."
Arby's issued a statement to Fox5NY.com saying: "“We take this isolated matter very seriously as we respect and support police officers in our local communities. As soon as the issue was brought to our attention, our CEO spoke with the Police Chief who expressed his gratitude for our quick action and indicated the case is closed. We will be following up with our team members to be sure that our policy of inclusion is understood and adhered to. Further, we will be following through with disciplinary action up to and including termination of the employees involved, as appropriate."