Murder suspect faces family of slain 11-year-old in court
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - From the point of incomprehensible bloodshed on the near north side, they walked.
For the 11-year-old life taken, it's all they can offer, all that's left.
"There's too much violence and everything. It just needs to be gone," said Ron Wheeler who was among those marching.
For them, justice begins with laying eyes on Andre Jackson, the 27-year-old Iraq war veteran charged with the ambush and fatal stabbing of the Marshall Middle School student May 17th.
"An angel without defense," said one woman in Spanish.
Among those crowding the courtroom Josue's sister, Guadalupe Flores, heartbroken by the senseless loss.
When Jackson emerged to face judge Jim Wallace, the suspect captured on multiple surveillance tapes, emitted a sob.
Prosecutors confirmed the savagery of the fatal attack.
"At the 1900 block of Fulton the victim was attacked and stabbed approximately 20 times," said Sunni Mitchell, Assistant Harris County District Attorney.
Afterward friends of the victim's family seemed staggered a $100,000 bond remained available to a murder suspect police seem certain committed the crime.
"Why are you crying for? Why are you crying? You did it.There's no reason for him to be crying at all and now that the bond is still on there, that don't make any sense. We just want justice for Josue," said Beatrice Salazar, a friend of the Flores family.
But Fox 26 legal analyst Chris Tritico says because Jackson is not charged with Capitol murder the bond is appropriate under Texas Law.
"$100,000 is double what most murder cases get, so it's really right where it ought to be," said Tritico.
Jackson's Facebook page is littered with the postings of a troubled young man. Tritico says any competent defense will include a thorough look at whether mental illness including PTSD played a role in this alleged crime.