Houston sued for sexual discrimination

It was back in 2009 when we first broke this story on FOX 26. Two female Houston firefighters said they were targeted at Station 54 because they were females. The women, Jane Draycott and Paula Keyes, said male firefighters urinated on the walls, floors, and sinks in the female dorm, disconnected the cold water in the showers so the women could be scalded, and there was also vulgar language and slurs written on the walls.

Nine years later the U.S. Justice Department is now filing a sexual discrimination lawsuit against the City of Houston saying it allowed this behavior. Because the city could not come to an agreement with the EEOC which sided with the ladies, the government is now moving forward with a lawsuit.

Former Houston Fire Department Captain Otis Jordan was intimately involved with guiding the ladies when they could not find help. Now retired he joins us on the Factor.