Was That Fake? - sex robot gives man STD
Was that fake?
Did President Nixon bomb the Germans at Pearl Harbor, and does President Trump want to start a war with “North Japan”? Okay, bear with us. An account posing as Representative Sheila Jackson Lee tweeted about the president, and said in part, “I wouldn't put it past him to try to bomb Tokyo the way Nixon bombed the Germans at Pearl Harbor. If you know your history that’s how the Spanish American War started.” First of all, clearly that’s totally historically inaccurate, and the tweet is totally fake. It was not from Jackson Lee’s official account. Different username, and there’s a watermark on the screenshot going around that says “created by Tweeterino.” That is a fake tweet generator, and heads up, you can’t always trust a screen shot.
Was that fake?
A lot of people are sharing a story about a Chinese engineer getting an STD from a sex robot. Not real. The story came from the website “Huzlers”, which is a satire website we end up featuring in this segment a lot. Fake news 101, check the source before you share.
Was that fake?
There's no way that our microwaves are polluting the earth at an alarming rate, right? This one is true, at least according to scientists in the UK. Researchers at the University of Manchester found all the power used by microwaves, plus how they’re produced and disposed of, releases nearly eight tons of carbon dioxide a year. That’s pretty close to the amount of CO2 pumped out by 7 million cars each year in the EU. This is the first time research has ever been done on the environmental impacts of microwaves.