Hot dogs injected with rat poison found on neighborhood lawns

(Photo Credit: Facebook/Mel Dziedzic)

Police in Des Plaines, Illinois are warning residents to be on the lookout for pieces of hot dog that have been injected with rat poison, then thrown on neighborhood lawns.

Mel Dziedzic, of Riser Animal Hospital in posted to Facebook a warning to all pet owners saying that the person responsible to dropping the hot dog pieces she believed was intentionally trying to harm dogs.

"Everybody knows that you do not need to put rat poison in hot dogs for rats to eat it," Dziedzic said. "PLEASE be careful when walking your pets."

Pets are known to get in to things, and pick up items before their owners realize they have them.

Police do not know how long the hot dogs have been in the neighborhood or who is behind having placed them there. 

There have been no reports of sick pets.