FEMA disaster recovery deadlines extended
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - FEMA is offering disaster survivors some more help by extending recovery deadlines.
Flood victims who are still in need of FEMA's hotel sheltering program may continue to seek assistance until January 16, 2018.
FEMA says there is a mid-term eligibility review on December 12 where survivors participating in TSA will receive a phone call, email, and/or text message advising them if they have continued eligibility for assistance through a participating hotel.
Hurricane Harvey survivors who recently applied for assistance will be notified automatically of their eligibility.
To be considered for eligibility, disaster survivors must be registered with FEMA for disaster assistance, and meet other eligibility criteria.
Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey now have until November 30, 2017, to register for federal assistance.
The deadline was November 24, however, an additional six days now gives survivors more time through the Thanksgiving holiday.
Federal assistance includes help for temporary housing, rental assistance and repair or replacement of damaged homes for eligible individuals and families who have suffered losses as a result of the storm.
Additionally, grants may be available to help with other expenses such as medical and dental care, child care, funeral and burial costs, replacing essential household items, moving and storage, vehicle repairs and some clean-up items.
More information found at houstonrecovers.org