David Quessenberry: 'I feel like I'm as close as I've ever been'

Houston Texans offensive tackle David Quessenberry crossed another major milestone at the end of July in his battle to beat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and return to action in the NFL.

"I was part of a trial chemotherapy at MD Anderson (Cancer Center)," Quessenberry said in an interview with FOX 26 Sports. "It was very specific to my type of lymphoma. We're done with that, and now we're on to the normal maintenance phase.

"That was a big step because it was a four-round (process). I did two of the rounds during my intensive treatment, and I did two in the maintenance phase and we finished that."

Quessenberry, who is in remission, was diagnosed with lymphoma in June of 2014.

"We're at a point now in my treatment where we're checking boxes off," Quessenberry said.  We're like 'this is done and we're moving on.' So that's always good."

While Quessenberry cannot be on the field practicing with his teammates, he is at workouts, in meetings and doing everything he can to be mentally ready when he is physically able to return.

"Physically I'm just trying to get my strength and stamina and the right body mass back so I can come back and play and be successful," Quessenberry said.

"Whenever it does happen that will be a very special day."

Quessenberry firmly believes that "special day" is not far away.

"Going through it there are some days when you think that there's no way I can come back and be a professional athlete again, but right now I can tell you I feel like I'm as close as I've ever been," Quessenberrry said.

"That's exciting and it's motivating me to push that much harder."