Crosby ISD superintendent announces layoffs

Every seat inside the Crosby ISD special board meeting was taken Monday night. The crowd was made up of concern staff and parents.

“It’s just overwhelming because they don’t know today, tomorrow or when, what is going to happen,” says Patricia Lavan, whose daughter teaches at an elementary school in town. She is one of many worried about who is going to lose their job.       

“I am concerned about the teachers, the staff, the paraprofessionals. I’m also concerned about the academic side in terms of resource apps that our children use within the district,” says Bilii Mustafah.

After declaring financial exigency, Superintendent Dr. Scott Davis read aloud the departments the first 18 layoffs would come from. Superintendent Davis says, “Our Chapter 21 teacher contracts and our non-21 contracts and that’s a couple of central office people in finance, they will work through December 20, the end of the semester.”

“Crosby just does not have the tax base or the financial support to dig it’s way out of this hole. I don’t see it happening. It’s not that I don’t love Crosby, I think Crosby is a great town, I think code red is always going to be code red regardless of what district you're in. But you know if you look around we don’t have the growth,” says Paul Grantham.

“I hope they find out all of the ins and outs about everything and save some of these teachers' jobs because it’s an important job and the kids are getting a good education,” says Lavan.

The superintendent says more layoffs involving teachers will be announced in the near future. The next meeting will be Monday night.