Coast Guard transport 2 people from cruise ships

Galveston, Texas

U.S. Coast Guard crews removed two people from two different cruise ships approximately 15 miles from Galveston on Sunday.

The crew aboard The Liberty of the Seas, a Royal Caribbean International ship, contacted Sector Houston-Galveston watchstanders at 5:38 p.m. Sunday and reported that a 71-year-old woman was suffering from a possible detached retina. The Coast Guard Cutter Manowar, an 87-foot patrol boat, brought the woman to Station Galveston at around 7 p.m. Sunday where emergency medical responders were waiting.

Carnival Breeze crew contacted Sector Houston-Galveston watchstanders at around 8:15 p.m. Sunday and reported that a passenger was suffering from a blocked esophagus and needed assistance. Station Galveston 45-foot response boat crews brought the 41-year-old man to Station Galveston where emergency medical staff evaluated him at around 10:28 p.m. Sunday.

Both patients are in stable condition.