Clear Creek ISD kindergartner tested positive for coronavirus on first day of in person classes

Clear Creek ISD took swift precaution after a kindergartner tested positive for coronavirus on Monday, Aug. 31.

Representatives at James H. Ross Elementary sent a message to parents Monday evening:

"The student was on campus yesterday for a short time before being sent home."

According to the staff, Proper protocols were in place, with students and faculty wearing mask coverings as well as social distancing.


"There were no close contacts which means this is not a need for concern. The school was cleaned in accordance with guidelines," a school rep told FOX 26.

Classes across Clear Creek will resume as normal today.

Students will be tested regularly and the numbers will be posted publicly on the school's website

Parents are being asked to keep their children home if they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, tested positive for COVID-19, or exhibiting any symptoms related to COVID-19.

Full letter that the school principal sent to parents on Monday: 

Dear Ross Elementary Staff and Families:

The Clear Creek Independent School District is committed to providing students and staff a healthy learning and working environment. The community spread of COVID-19 is all around us, and in CCISD we are doing our part to slow the spread through preventative measures such as deep cleaning of facilities and equipment, requiring social distancing and mask coverings, and providing time for students and staff to practice good hand hygiene throughout the day.

Even with these measures in place, we have received a report of a kindergarten student at Ross Elementary who has tested positive for COVID-19. This student was on campus August 31, 2020 for a short time before being sent home. The area/classroom has been properly cleaned.

Through effective prevention measures such as face coverings and social distancing, no other students or employees were in close contact of the individual therefore there is no need for concern. Close contact is defined by health authorities as a person who has come within 6 feet of a person with COVID-19 and was in close contact for more than 15 minutes cumulatively in the two days prior to exhibiting symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19.

However, it is always important to communicate self-health monitoring information to families and employees. Please visit to find the symptoms of COVID-19. If one or more of these symptoms develop, please immediately contact your family physician and remain home until you are symptom free.

I am proud of the efforts of our staff, students and families to keep Ross Elementary healthy. Please continue to do your part and conduct the CCISD Self-Health Assessment daily prior to sending children to school.

Thank you,

Kelly Mooney, principal

Ross Elementary