More foster homes needed for siblings, older children
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - May is National Foster Care Awareness month, a time to raise awareness about the need for more foster families. FOX 26 News shares the story of three siblings in search of a family to foster and eventually adopt them together.
You won’t find three closer siblings living apart.
“I want to go places with them, do stuff with them and I really want to just be with them,” said 11-year-old Delanie. Her sister Harley is ten years old and their brother Dallas just turned seven.
“They are in three different placements and towns and rarely get to see each other,” said Atasha Kelley-Harris, adoption and post-adoption program manager for Depelchin Children’s Center.
FOX 26 scheduled some time for them to have fun together at Main Event Entertainment in Stafford.
“Many people want to come and take care of younger children," said Kelly-Harris. "We are in desperate need of families open to caring for sibling groups and older children.” The three siblings were permanently removed from their parents around a year ago.
"They’ve been through some very significant trauma having experienced parents involved in domestic violence as well as drugs," said Kelley-Harris.
Harley said they have two “dream places” they want to visit. One is a summer trip to Sea World but the first is to go to an adoptive home.
“My first is to go to a house with caring, loving people who mostly don't beat on us three,” explained Harley. They want a family committed to preserving their bond.
"Ultimately, we'd love to have them in the same home, but it will have to be a family that's patient, loving and caring, one who has patience of what these children have been through," said Kelley-Harris.
If you’re interested in adoption, contact Depelchin Children’s Center by e-mail at to get the process started.