Marijuana to be reclassified as a less dangerous drug- What's Your Point?

Another significant step this week in what appears to be the inevitable decriminalization of marijuana. 

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. The Justice Department proposal would recognize the medical uses of cannabis, but wouldn’t legalize it for recreational use.

 While the regulatory action does not render pot "legal" - some are calling the move a "paradigm shift." 

Dr. Mark McBath says,"I think that the most important thing for everybody concerned is the fact that the research will now be allowed to be carried on with smaller companies’ larger companies any kind of disease process you have a mind to go out there and see what you can find."

Dr. McBath served as an oncologist with MD Anderson for over 25 years and became one of the first in the state of Texas to be approved as a medical marijuana physician who can recommend medical marijuana to qualifying patients under the program.

I think it’s important to note that when polled, a majority of Texans consistently favor full legalization of marijuana for recreational use.