Was That Fake? - First Lady's speech

Was that fake?

We’ve heard this one before: ‘First Lady Melania Trump rips off speech from Michelle Obama.’ A picture is going around showing a quote from Melania Trump talking women’s History Month, on top of a quote from Michelle Obama talking about the same thing. But is it real? No, it’s not. The image is fake and the quotes have been altered. Snopes looked into it and said Melania Trump did in fact tweet about Women’s History Month, which is this month, but that’s not the tweet being shared. So, no, the First Lady did not borrow any new material from Mrs. Obama.

Was that fake?

Will Trump golf courses soon be decorated with the official presidential seal? This isn’t fake, but more of a rumor at this point. It came from a nonprofit organization ProPublica. According to them, the Trump team ordered dozens of plates bearing the official presidential seal to be used as tee markers. Currently the Trump family coat of arms are used on the tees. The company that made the markers posted a picture on their Facebook page that said, “we made the design and the client confirmed the design.” They refused to name that client, however. If you’re wondering what the big deal is, a lot of people are concerned using the seal is against the law. It is illegal to reproduce the U.S. presidential seal, to sell it, or to give the impression of sponsorship or approval.

Was that fake?

An article claims an elderly man with Alzheimer’s disease kept forgetting he got the flu shot, so he went back 13 times in one day. The article claims the guy even died. This is so fake. Nothing about this story is true. You can find the picture going around when you search stock photos of ‘smiling senior man.’ It is true that we’ve had a harsh flu season. More than 50 children have died. But this particular article being shared is not true. Also, if you haven’t already, doctors are urging everyone to go get their flu shot.