Parent to Parent: The Israel war and social media apps

The videos surfacing on social showing the atrocities in the Middle East. There’s violence against men, women and children that continue to pop up everywhere including your child’s social media feed.

That’s why parents all over the world including in the U.S. are being advised by some to delete their children’s social media apps. 

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FOX 26 spoke with Rania Mankarious with Crime Stoppers Houston who advises otherwise.

"When you have a late elementary school kid that is just maybe on their sister’s TikTok or maybe their own because they have lied about their age and created an account, we have to be mindful of that and we are seeing a lot of it," said Mankarious.

FOX 26 Houston is now on the FOX LOCAL app available through Apple TV, Amazon FireTV, Roku, Google Android TV, and Vizio!

You see articles that say parents are advised to delete the apps, but that, Mankarious says, will not solve the issue.

"Just know within the first minute of them not being in your presence, they pick up a friend’s device, and they have access to everything there. Their school computer, they may have access to everything that way. The better approach is to have a conversation," she said. "Kids don’t understand, is this going to impact me personally. It is really important that we have conversations. Before we do that, know how you feel. Just a quick check. How do I feel about what is going on, my own fears, my own bias, and understand where I am coming from? Two, have an age appropriate conversation." 

On Tuesday evening's live stream of Parent to Parent, FOX 26 Anchor Rashi Vats will be joined by a child psychotherapist, along with Rania, at 6:30 p.m. on our station’s Facebook page and The stream will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the viewer above. 

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