Meals on Wheels to deliver turkey dinners for Thanksgiving, volunteers needed

Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston is preparing to deliver Thanksgiving joy to more than 4,000 homebound seniors through its Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston and Galveston County program.

Each year, the organization provides a turkey dinner for each senior served and hosts a volunteer phone bank on Thanksgiving morning to ensure that each senior receives a friendly call.

Volunteers are needed for the Thanksgiving Volunteer Call Team. Participants can wish seniors a Happy Thanksgiving through phone calls on Thanksgiving morning, from the comfort of their own homes. Families are encouraged to participate, and children are welcome to join in.

Registration for the Volunteer Call Team is open at Volunteers are encouraged to make at least 10 calls, though they are welcome to make more if they wish. To participate, volunteers will need access to an internet-connected device. Setup instructions will be emailed to registered volunteers closer to the event. 

"These calls mean so much to our seniors. For some, it’s the only connection they’ll have that day," said Maria Magee, Chief Development Officer of Interfaith Ministries.

For more information on volunteering, please email For information on donating, please email
