Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo sets record with $27 million education commitment in 2024

To support youth and statewide educational programs in Texas, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo officials have committed $27,317,634 for 2024. Through this commitment, the Rodeo will surpass $600 million provided to Texas education since it was founded in 1932.

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"Being able to surpass $600 million is such an incredible achievement for our organization and reinforces our unwavering commitment to supporting Texas youth and education," said Chris Boleman, Rodeo president and CEO. "We are so grateful for our 35,000 volunteers, sponsors, partners, donors, and the greater Houston community who continue to support our charitable mission and help us reach new depths of giving year after year."

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This is how the Rodeo's educational commitment will be allocated in 2024:

Scholarships: $14,618,000

Junior Show Exhibitors: $9,535,350

Educational Program Grants: $2,679,494

Graduate assistantships: $484,790


The Rodeo has presented over 21,000 scholarships valued at over $290 million since 1957. Over 800 scholarships will be awarded in 2024. Scholarship applications will be open between December 5, 2023, and January 31, 2024.

The Houston Livestock Show, hosting the world's largest livestock show, attracts thousands of 4-H and FFA exhibitors annually. Since 1932, almost $210 million has been committed to exhibitors through premiums and calf scramble certificates.

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Since the 1970s, the Rodeo has granted over $16 million to graduate assistantship programs in Texas. In 2024, funds will be awarded to graduate assistantship programs at 11 Texas universities, each administering the application and selection process.

The 2024 Rodeo is scheduled for February 27 to March 17. The World Championship Bar-B-Que Contest, presented by Cotton Holdings, is scheduled for February 22 – 24. For further information, those interested can visit rodeohouston.com.

Houston Livestock Show and RodeoHouston