Harris County Judge Chief of Staff Alex Triantaphyllis 'moving on'

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announced on Friday morning that her Chief of Staff Alex Triantaphyllis is ‘moving on.’

In a statement on Twitter, Hidalgo said, "After four years of tireless dedication, Alex Triantaphyllis, my Chief of Staff, is moving on from his role. I'm so proud & grateful for him. As we enter the next chapter of my Administration, I’m excited to launch a nationwide search for a new Chief of Staff."

It's unclear if Triantaphyllis' departure has anything to do with his indictment following an $11 million COVID contract controversy that FOX 26 first reported last year.  

The contract, which at first was defended by Hidalgo, later ended with the contract to Elevate Strategies, a one-woman company with a very short 19-month track record headquartered in a Montrose apartment, being canceled by Hidalgo. 

Three of Hidalgo's staffers, Triantaphyllis, Aaron Dunn and Wallis Nader, were indicted on federal charges. Triantaphyllis being charged with misuse of official information along with tampering with record. Dunn and Nader were indicted on charges of tampering with government documents and misuse of official information. 

Hidalgo said a nationwide search is now underway to hire a new Chief of Staff.