First case of the year of West Nile Virus in Montgomery County reported

Montgomery County Public Health District is reporting the county's first case of West Nile Virus this year. According to MCPHD, a 60-year-old woman infected with West Nile Virus is in stable condition and recovering at home. The first case of West Nile Virus in the county last year was reported in August.

MCPDH is asking residents to do their part in fighting West Nile Virus by avoiding mosquito bites and mosquito-proofing homes. MCPHD outlines some tips in a press release:

The CDC says 80 percent of people infected with West Nile will not show any symptoms, but it can cause serious disease. Symptoms will usually develop in 3 to 14 days after a mosquito bite. Serious symptoms that can last several weeks include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, seizures or paralysis, and neurological effects can be permanent. Only 1 percent of cases display serious symptoms. Milder symptoms include fever, body aches, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands, and skin rash on the chest, stomach and back.

Learn more on the CDC website here.