Amy Coney Barrett doesn't discuss personal beliefs at confirmation hearing - What's Your Point?
HOUSTON - She was poised, she was smart and when questioned on critical issues likely to reach the high court, Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett was absolutely non-committal. That didn't stop Senate Democrats from denigrating a politically accelerated process they called a "sham" and forecasting Barrett's role in the reversal of progressively supported precedents, most notably, the Affordable Care Act and potentially, Roe vs. Wade, the landmark ruling legalizing abortion. Then there was the thorny issue of whether Coney Barrett was being rushed onto the court with a disputed election on the near horizon.
This week’s panel; Wayne Dolcefino, investigative media consultant, Carmen Roe, Houston attorney, Charles Blain, founder Urban Reform, Janice Evans, media consultant, and Chris Tritico, attorney FOX 26 legal analyst join host Greg Groogan to talk about the nomination hearings.
Senate Judiciary sets Oct. 22 vote on Supreme Court nomination