Residents keeping an eye on Cypress Creek
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - Flooding is an increasing concern in far Northwest Harris County at Katy Hockley Road and Cypress Creek.
While the creek flowed over its bank in that area Wednesday, the water was receding. But residents have good reason to be worried about the wet forecast.
"You can see it right now coming in," says David Price, looking at looming dark clouds.
"We just hope [the rainfall] is not as much," says his wife, Rose.
The Prices live on 10 acres, just a little downstream of Cypress Creek.
"We're constantly concerned right now because everything is so wet," Mr. Price says. "There's no where for it to go, and it's not just the rain, it's after the rain is when we have to watch."
Price says the water rises on the road and then in their yard, faster than ever before.
"This was the Tax Day flood," Price says, showing us pictures of his house surrounded by water. "That water came up so fast. It was the highest I've ever seen it."
The water came within a couple inches of their house, but neighbor, Chastain Cox, was not as lucky.
"Water was up all the way underneath that house," Cox says, pointing at his home, already propped up 3 feet from the ground. "I lost everything, the contents of the barns and buildings."
Cox's family had to be evacuated by air boat, but he stayed behind to monitor his livestock. He will do the same again next time, and he is worried that could be soon.
"I don't know if it's the development, the homes going up, or what, but it's never been like this, ever."
Fortunately there aren't many houses in this part of Harris County, but Katy Hockley Cut-Off road is a busy one. Water flowed so high Wednesday, it was close to being impassable.
Residents may have a plan for evacuation, but when will it be time to leave?
"The problem is, we dont know," Price said, " Because the last time it didn't flood into the house. But if it's going to flood into the house its too late too evacuate."