Mom of missing daughter gets phone call: 'She's dead'

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A  22-year-old Detroit woman is missing for 11 days, no one has seen her and she is not answering her phone.

Julie Schneider says she hasn't seen her daughter since June 6, and it's been more than a week since 22-year-old Mariah Gilliam responded to any of her mother's text messages.

"I was like, what are you doing, are you okay," she said. "(She wrote) 'I'll talk about it when I see you, it was bad. It was a little fighting but I'm okay.'"

The last texted message was about a fight, Gilliam texted her mom telling her everything was okay and they haven't heard from her since.

"I've been texting her every day and no response and her phone keeps going straight to voicemail," Schneider said.

Schneider says she posted on Facebook about her missing daughter and got a disturbing call where a person said your daughter is dead and hung up.

"After I called the police and posted on Facebook, I got a restricted phone call," Schneider said. "I was like 'Hello.' They paused and was like, B, she's dead and they hung up."

FOX 2: "When did you get that phone call?"

"The night before last," Schneider said.

The mother says she has filed a missing person's with the Detroit police and we're waiting to get more information on the search from investigators.

"Somebody had to see her," Schneider said. "I'm just worried, I want to make sure she's okay and she's not with -  the type of people she's with - somewhere dead.

"That's my only child."

Anyone with any information about this young woman is asked to call Detroit police at (313) 596-5200.