Harris County Sheriff thanks community for supporting Deputy Goforth

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Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman thanks the community for its tremendous support after the shooting death of Deputy Darren Goforth.

It's been three weeks since the former deputy was shot and killed at a Chevron fuel station in northwest Harris County. Deputies say everything from the large memorial to fundraising efforts and the widespread support at Goforth's funeral has meant a lot to both the family and those in uniform. The sheriff hopes from this people come together and realize that all lives matter.

"Let us not forget one of God's greatest commandments: thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self." Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman said. "We should continue to build up, support one another, protect one another and protect one another as a community." 

Deputies say the investigation into Goforth's death is still in the early phase and at this point they still have not established a motive.

The death of Deputy Goforth has also sparked life into the movements 'All Lives Matter' and 'Blue Lives Matter.' Both are counter movements to 'Black Lives Matter.'

As the memorial for Deputy Darren Goforth continued to grow each day many signs read 'Blue Lives Matter' and 'All Lives Matter.' But things got touchy when Sheriff Ron Hickman was asked if the 'Black Lives Matter' movement played any role.

"What I said was extreme rhetoric is dangerous and I also said that black lives matter, all lives matter, cops lives matter and I reiterate today that was my intent not to diminish anyone," Sheriff Hickman said.

Houston Police Department Chief Charles McClelland followed that by saying with any movement there can be bad apples which he saw first hand in New York.

"I saw firsthand some of those individuals carrying those placards shouting and yelling, 'What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Right now!,'" Chief McClelland said.

While they acknowledge there is still a lot of hate and tension throughout the U.S., many say Goforth's death has sparked a major turnaround for the better. So where do they believe Houston stands?

"I'd give us an A minus because there's always room for improvement, but I certainly would put us in the A category," Chief McClelland said. He added that what makes Houston special is that police have been working with the community to build positive relationships for awhile and that Houston has one of the most diverse police departments in the country.