Backyard Blues: Man fed up with neighbor's filthy backyard

It’s a backyard pool filled with slime, garbage and overgrowth galore.  And some neighbors in the Bonaire neighborhood of Cypress are tired of it. 

“It's a mess," said Kennith Richard, who's lived in the neighborhood for almost 2 decades.  “I just don't like to be the villain but I'm tired of it,” he said.

He's tired of his neighbor's filthy backyard.  The so-called swimming "pool" is filled with thick, green algae, garbage, and what appears to be trees or bushes growing in it. 

“It's unsafe it's unhealthy all kinds of disease going to be in that pool,” said Richard.

The rest of the yard is overgrown and filled with trash and debris.  There's even a car covered in the yard. 

Besides not looking very good and violating neighborhood deed restrictions, Richard says the water breeds mosquitos. 

“It's ridiculous it's a health hazard because West Nile is out here in the northwest area," he said.

We hoped to talk to the homeowner to get her side.  She wasn't home when we stopped by. 

“I'd like to see it taken care of because she's not going to do anything unless you put pressure on her because she don't care,” said Richard.

Richard claims he complained to the H-O-A years ago but nothing happened.  The Harris County Public Health Department says the last complaint against this house was back in 2011.  

“I'm concerned about my grandbabies and all the other people that are around here."

FOX 26 tried to contact the Homeowner’s Association with no luck.  We even called the deed restriction complaint number that’s posted in the neighborhood at least a half dozen times. 

We got a busy signal every time.    

The county health department says it will now investigate.