After showdown, Cy Creek EMS and District Board reach temporary agreement
A showdown in Cypress Creek between the EMS District Board and the Emergency Medical Service. The point of contention: the ambulance service’s 20 million dollar budget and who that money is going to. There was a big vote on the tabe whether or not the EMS board would continue to make monthly payments to Cy Creek EMS despite a lack of what they call transparency. But more importantly, you will be able to get an ambulance when you need one.
It’s been a year long battle. Thursday morning crossfire went back and forth as two EMS board members threatened to stop funding the ambulance service of a half million people in North Harris County.
“It becomes a public safety question and Cypress Creek knows that and it's just as disingenuous and horrible for Cypress Creek to use the threat of public safety as a reason for a not showing what are clearly public records,” Investigator Wayne Dolcefino said.
But Cy Creek EMS certainly wasn’t backing down. They say their stance remains strong to protect their employee privacy and not give competing ambulance companies too much information.
“Quite frankly, it's theatre it's a ridiculous request. It's a five member board we have two members who are making this request. This will be decided in the courts eventually anyway, so why do this now?” Cy Creek EMS Spokesperson Norm Mule said.
But like with any performance came the big ending. The EMS board will not suspend payment given Cy Creek EMS say for now they will release how much each position gets paid, but they still refuse to give names.
“Who are they? Are they people's relatives, are they people's kinfolk? Are the relatives and the friends getting all the overtime?” Dolcefino questioned.
“Eventually our contract will come up for renewal and we'll be competing with private ambulance companies,” Mule said.
But the battle is far from over. Cy Creek EMS has five lawsuits against them. Both sides say ultimately the court will have the final say. As of now, ambulance service continues.