A community comes together to send a boy with special needs to prom
CONYERS, Ga. - The only thing brighter than the lights and the shimmering prom dresses are the smiles on children's faces.
The beauty of a Special Needs Prom is that for one night, there are no rules on the dance floor. There's no big contest for king and queen. When you look past their limitations, you'll find a group of teenagers, dancing the night away and loving every minute of it.
The motorcycle community in Conyers got together and sent a wonderful boy named Uriah to the 8th grade prom for special needs children. Uriah has Down Syndrome.
“The family was financially strapped , so we wanted to help in any way that we could” said family friend Tosha Ford.
The Bike community got Uriah a tuxedo, two dates from Southwest DeKalb High School and more than 20 motorcycles to escort his car to the prom at Rockdale Baptist Church on Friday. “He had a wonderful time and was exhausted! There was a red carpet when they arrived to the prom,” said Ford.
“He is not afraid of anything,” said Ford. “Uriah takes life by the horns full speed ahead. There are times now that I am afraid the older he gets and wants to do more in the world...but because of all my great friends and the people that surround me to help encourage him, makes life a little bit more simple.”