Terrible traffic times in Houston not the worst in Texas

There is plenty to love about living in Houston, but daily commuting is definitely not appreciated. The good news, if you want to consider it as such, is that traffic in Houston could be worse.

The average Houston driver spends 27 minutes to get to work each day, according to the results of a study posted on the real estate website HomeArea.com. That average makes Houston only the third worst commuting city in Texas.

The worst commute in Texas is in Garland with the second worst in Fort Worth — two north Texas cities. The average times spent on the road getting to work each day in Garland and Fort Worth are only three minutes more than in Houston.       

The quickest commutes in Texas are in the cities of Lubbock, Waco and Amarillo, each with an average time of less than twenty minutes spent daily for people getting to their workplaces.