Instead of a debate Joe Biden holds a town hall discussion - What's Your Point?
HOUSTON - With the scheduled debate canceled and after rejecting a virtual debate, the president took the stage of a nationally televised town hall.
This week’s panel; Wayne Dolcefino, investigative media consultant, Carmen Roe, Houston attorney, Charles Blain, founder Urban Reform, Janice Evans, media consultant, and Chris Tritico, attorney FOX 26 legal analyst join host Greg Groogan to discuss Joe Biden's performance during the debate.
Biden denounced the White House’s handling of the virus, declaring that it was at fault for closing a pandemic response office established by the Obama administration in which he served. Though vague at times, he suggested he will offer clarity on his position on expanding the Supreme Court if Trump's nominee to the bench is seated before Election Day.
The What's Your Point panel on President Trump's town hall
After Biden’s 90-minute town hall event formally concluded, the candidate spent another half-hour taking questions from those in the audience who didn’t get an opportunity during the televised program.
READ MORE - Biden and Trump in competing town halls