What's Killing You? - poor air quality

What's Killing You? 

Parkinson's disease, but there is good news. Three high-intensity workouts each week could delay symptoms and dramatically slow the progress of the disease. New research finds regular high-intensity exercise can reduce tremors, limb rigidity and slowness of movement by fifteen percent for at least six months, possibly more. People living with Parkinson's disease have a shortage of dopamine while exercise encourages the brain to produce it. For the exercise to qualify as high intensity, you must elevate your heart rate to be working at 80-to-85 percent capacity.

What's Killing You? 

Pollution, but it's especially harming babies. UNICEF says 17 million babies younger than the age of one are breathing toxic air, which is impacting their brain development. Babies in the south Asia subcontinent are the worst affected, many living in areas with pollution six times greater than safe levels. It's damaging the brain tissue of the babies and affecting their cognitive development. UNICEF says the effects last a lifetime.