Mother of slain Edna cheerleader seeks justice after finding daughter dead
EDNA, Texas - "It was as if I was living a nightmare at the moment," said Jackie Medina. "I couldn't believe it to find my daughter's lifeless body never in a million years would I have imagined that."
The horror of losing a child is unimaginable and being the one to discover the body sounds unbearable. How can anyone comprehend what the last two days have been like for Jackie Medina?
"The thought of the pain or suffering she went through it just kills me every day," said Medina. "I just remember seeing blood and I went crazy. Her body. She was pale."
PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Edna High School cheerleader killed in 'capital murder', police investigating
She and her daughter Lizbeth moved from Nebraska to Edna, Texas a year ago.
"She was basically my friend. We grew up together. I had her when I was only 16," Medina said.
The popular 16-year-old became a JV cheerleader in the town of 6,000 which is 100 miles south of Houston.

Jackie says she talked to Lizbeth on Tuesday morning and became concerned after Lizbeth failed to appear at a Christmas parade that night.
Medina found her daughter Lizbeth in the bathtub in her apartment in Edna on Tuesday night while she was making phone calls from home.
While the cause of death has not been released police are calling this a capital murder investigation.
"I'm feeling terrible, torn up. I just can't describe the feeling right now," said Medina.
Jackie says she only attended Thursday night's game to see the Edna Cowboys and cheerleaders honor her daughter.
"It makes me feel proud," she said.
The grieving mother says she wants to squash all the swirling rumors. This is what she says she knows for a fact.
"Lizbeth knew the person because there were no signs of forced entry," she said.
The grief-stricken mother believes her daughter's murder could be connected to a break-in at their apartment three weeks ago. "I believe that they had one in custody, and they were questioning someone but as far as someone they are certain of, we don't have any information on that," Medina said.
"They know my schedule they know my daughter's schedule," she said.
Lizabeth called in sick from school on Tuesday morning. "The last time her mother or friends talked to her was around 7 a.m.
"I need justice. I need answers," said Medina.
"Nobody's kid deserves something like this to happen. My daughter was such a special little girl she did not deserve the way she died."