Mayoral candidates take aim at Turner contributions - What's Your Point

Mayoral candidate Tony Buzbee's new ad alleges corrupt pay-for-play practices in the Turner administration and then challenger Bill King called the mayor out for accepting thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the owners of Houston strip clubs. Mayor Turner says he's keeping the money and contends that on his watch, the city has become a national leader in the battle against human trafficking.

This week’s panel:  Wayne Dolcefino – media consultant, Jacquie Baly- conservative commentator, Carmen Roe – Houston Attorney, Ben Streusand – conservative commentator, “Three Amigos”, KSEV Radio, Craig Jackson – Professor, TSU Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Antonio Diaz- writer, educator and radio host join Greg Groogan to discuss latest statements from candidates vying for Turner's mayoral seat.

Read More about Houston strip club campaign contributions.