Houston weather: School closures and delays for Thursday, Jan. 23

HOUSTON - Several Houston area school districts have opted to close on Thursday.
The growing list of closures is below.
READ MORE: LIVE UPDATES: Houston weather, snow, icy road conditions, power outages, closures
School Closures, Delays - Thursday, Jan. 23
Cleveland ISD
Cleveland ISD will operate on a 2-hour delayed start on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025.
Crosby ISD
Out of an abundance of caution, Crosby ISD will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday, January 23
Dayton ISD
Dayton Independent School District has made the decision to cancel all classes and student activities on Thursday, January 23, 2025.
Liberty ISD
Liberty ISD will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, January 23rd out of concern for our students and staff.
Prairie View A&M University
Please be advised that all Prairie View A&M University campuses will open tomorrow, Thursday, January 23, with a 2-hour delay. Staff, faculty, and students are expected to arrive by 10:00 a.m.
Tarkington ISD
Tarkington ISD has been in collaboration with local weather authorities, county officials, and local superintendents. Out of an abundance of caution for the safety and security of all staff and students; Tarkington ISD will have a 2 hour delayed start Thursday, January 23rd, 2025. Staff will arrive at 9:30 am and classes will start at 10 am. If a student rides the bus, buses will be on a 2 hour delay and will begin bus routes at 8:30am. For example; if students normally arrive at the bus stop at 6:35 am, then they would need to be there at 8:35 am. Grab and go breakfast will be available in the cafeteria, at their respective campus, for students that wish to get breakfast and take it with them to class. All after-school activities will go on as planned.
Revised Basketball Game Schedule:
7th/8th grade girls-4:30 pm at TMS gym
7th/8th grade boys- 4:30 pm at Huffman
Varsity Girls-5pm at THS gym
Varsity Boys- 6:30pm at THS gym
The Source: Information in this article comes from districts across the Houston area.