Harvey victims say they were duped by founder of nonprofit organization

We first met Shane Perry last November in Patton Village.

“I believe God uses us all for something,” Perry told us last fall.

Fast forward to today. Eight families in Rosharon say they were used by Perry and his faith-based nonprofit called Rebuild South Texas.

“They heard what they believed from him and they handed him a check and signed just a waiver saying they were turning over everything,” said Dillon Mao.

The eight families gave him $76,000, and Rashmoi Singh with SEWA International says they don’t know what Perry did with the money.

“We kept asking for his receipts because we were trying to do our balancing,” Singh said.

“He’s just another con man and he found a way to motivate people and to trust him,” said carpenter Michael Taylor who started working with Perry last fall.

“There’s a couple that lived in Patton Village 81, 82 years old, something like that, and he got them for their entire FEMA check," Taylor said.

There are some families here in Rosharon who are literally living under their houses after giving Shane Perry their FEMA money.

College students from Wisconsin are now helping the families rebuild.

Folks here say they haven’t seen Perry since Memorial Day weekend when they say he ran off with the money and Johnny Bobho’s 16-year-old daughter.

“I don’t want to see Shane again,” Bobho said.

Shane Perry says everything the people in Rosharon are telling us is a lie.

He denies taking anyone’s money and says the 16-year-old girl was being abused and is in his custody with the blessing of Child Protective Services.

The Brazoria County Sheriff’s Department is now investigating. We will let you know what happens.