Bond election is August 25 - Two community meetings remaining
HOUSTON (FOX26) - Harris County Commissioners Court has called a bond election for August 25, 2018, for the Harris County Flood Control District. Registered voters in Harris County will be asked to vote on what could be $2.5 billion in bonds for flood risk reduction projects throughout the county.
There are 2 community meetings remaining for discussion about the projects:
Tonight - July 31 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Watershed- Little Cypress Creek Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center
8440 Greenhouse Road
Cypress, TX 77433
Tomorrow - August 1 6:00PM - 8:00PM Watershed - Barker Reservoir Memorial Parkway Junior High
21203 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77450
View the Harris County Flood Control District interactive map to see the approximate location of more than 150 potential projects that are candidates for bond funding, and to learn more about proposed projects in your area of interest. These potential projects have been identified by the Flood Control District and provide flood risk reduction benefits in the watersheds in which the projects are located.
When considering project ideas suggested by the community, the Harris County Flood Control District will prioritize projects that meet its mission to provide flood damage reduction projects that work, with appropriate regard for community and natural values. Thus, the Flood Control District will use the following criteria:
- Provides the greatest potential flood risk reduction benefits relative to the community’s population
- Causes NO increase in existing flood risks upstream or downstream
- Offers potential for multiple benefits, in addition to flood risk reduction
- Features long-term viability and relatively low maintenance
- Includes a clearly defined drainage issue and flood risk reduction benefit
- Uses readily available, proven engineering techniques and industry standards
- Poses NO undue burden on disadvantaged communities
- Minimizes adverse impacts on the environment
- High costs for mitigating unavoidable environmental impacts
- Dependence on pumps or other mechanical devices that could fail or involve a high annual maintenance cost
- Project targets an area that already has a relatively high level of drainage service
- Located outside Harris County, with the exception of projects already approved, e.g. Clear Creek