BC-KS--Kansas News Coverage Advisory 9 am, KS

Good morning! Here's a look at how AP's general news coverage is shaping up today in Kansas. Questions about today's coverage plans are welcome, and should be directed to 800-852-4844 or 816-421-4844 or apkansascity@ap.org.

A reminder this information is not for publication or broadcast, and these coverage plans are subject to change. Expected stories may not develop, or late-breaking and more newsworthy events may take precedence. Advisories, digests and digest advisories will keep you up to date. Some TV and radio stations will receive shorter APNewsNow versions of the stories below, along with all updates.



WICHITA — The nation's obesity epidemic is causing significant recruiting problems for the military, with one in three young adults nationwide too fat to enlist, according to report issued Wednesday by a group of retired military leaders. The nonprofit, non-partisan group called Mission: Readiness (Military Leaders for Kids) is promoting healthy school lunches in Kansas and across the nation as a way to combat the problem. In Kansas, 29 percent of teenagers are overweight, according to figures it cites from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About a third of American children and teens are considered obese or overweight. By Roxana Hegeman. SENT: 372 words.


KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for a memorial to victims, rescuers and survivors of Kansas City's 1981 skywalk disaster. The Skywalk Memorial Foundation breaks ground on the memorial Friday in Hospital Hill Park, across the street from the former Hyatt Regency hotel where 114 people died in the collapse on July 17, 1981. More than 200 people were injured. UPCOMING: 300 words.


— OBSERVATORY-CLOSING — Lake Afton Public Observatory is set to close after giving Kansas a glimpse of the stars for 35 years.

— TORNADO WARNINGS-NICKERSON — Tornado sirens failed to go off in Nickerson as a tornado hit the area.


If you have stories of regional or statewide interest, please email them to apkansascity@ap.org. If you have photos of regional or statewide interest, please send them to the AP state photo center in New York, 888-273-6867. For access to AP Exchange and other technical issues, contact AP Customer Support at apcustomersupport@ap.org or 877-836-9477.

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