A young chef headlines a hot new Houston seafood restaurant

It's quickly becoming one of Houston's hottest new restaurants. Its executive chef came to Houston from Mexico via Venezuela. And he and his young staff are making waves (pun intended), even though he just turned 21.

Chef Omar Pereney is at the helm at Peska Seafood Culture in the Galleria area. He already has a storied career. He was the corporate chef for a group of restaurants in Mexico and was the host of a Latin American TV food show all while he was still a teenager.

The upscale restaurant features seafood flown in from around the world or brought in straight from the Gulf.

"We want to bring people fresh seafood from all over, prepared simply so that the taste of the fresh fish is not covered up,"  Pereney said.

Houston food writer Maya Fasthoff visited Peska to check it out for FOX 26 News.