10th Annual “We Love America Healthy, Clean and Green”
Calendar Release Celebration Calls for Anti-Food Waste, Hosts Food Drive

(Houston, TX) By creating moments of discovery, you can change minds and behavior in a way that leads to sustainable impact. That is what the Honey Brown Hope Foundation’s “We Love America Healthy, Clean and Green” program has done for a decade. Through photo and essay contests for youth, the organization creates moments of discovery that have cultivated a new generation of “healthy, clean and green” change agents who influence their peers, families and communities.

“The hope of this impact makes the 10-year anniversary for ‘We Love America, Healthy, Clean and Green’ as sweet as honey,” said Founder of the Honey Brown Hope Foundation Tammie Lang Campbell. The signature initiative of the “We Love America Healthy, Clean and Green” program is the award-winning, Nationally recognized calendar that is released at an annual celebration.
This year’s “We Love America Healthy, Clean and Green” 10th Annual Calendar release celebration will be held Saturday, January 20, 2018 at Houston Community College (HCC) Missouri City Campus (1600 Texas Pkwy Missouri City, TX 77489) from 11:30 am – 1 pm.
This annual, free community event is a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose efforts to ensure equality For sanitation workers, earth’s caretakers, made him an early Drum Major for environmental justice. This year’s theme is “Anti-food Waste” and attendees can expect:

  • Food drive benefiting Houston Food Bank – attendees who bring a non-perishable food item will receive 2018 “We Love America Healthy, Clean and Green” calendar.
  • Anti-Food-Waste Pledge – click here to take it.
  • Recognition of winners from the calendar photo contest.
  • Sustainable fashion from HCC Fashion Merchandising Program.
  • Refreshments, entertainment, door prizes and eco-friendly vendors.

The anti-food waste focus is a call to change the 40% of food wasted from farm to fork to landfill. America is facing an epidemic of hunger and food waste. This is an unfortunate contradiction that we have the power to change. For the 10th anniversary of “We Love America Healthy, Clean and Green”, the calendar will use photos from youth, an Anti-Food-Waste Pledge and environmental tips to remind everyone that a "Healthy, Clean and Green" America is one where its citizens thrive, have access to healthy food and viable options to reduce food waste.


For more info: http://www.honeybrownhope.org/