John Hernandez's family says Thompsons receive special treatment

The sheriff's deputy indicted for John Hernandez's murder is out on bond and out of work.

At least temporarily ... Chauna Thompson has been suspended without pay.

John's family says that's not enough. They say Chauna and Terry Thompson have gotten preferential treatment from the get-go. 

As a result, they want nothing less than a change in the culture at the sheriff's office.

Patrol cars sit outside Thompson's Crosby home as they've done for days, prompting speculation from neighbors.

"It kinda looked like it at first," said neighbor Robert Schank. "It sorta looks like they're getting preferential treatment."

But Johnny Hernandez's family and lawyers say that's been the story from the very beginning.

The night of the fatal fight outside the Denny's, deputies put his wife in a squad car without her phone but not the Thompsons. 

They were also planning to charge Hernandez for starting the brawl. 

"They were not treated fairly," said the family's lawyer Randall Kallinen. "The investigation was shoddy, and I feel and a lot of people feel the reason is one of the people involved as the husband of a Harris County Sheriff's Deputy."

Now that the Thompsons are indicted, they want the responding deputies investigated. That's exactly what's already happening says Sheriff Ed Gonzales.

"We will look at their actions that night and see how everything was done," the sheriff said. "What was done correctly and what was done incorrectly."

Hernandez's family and their supporters have worked tirelessly to turn the wheels of justice since his death, and show no sign of letting up.