Houston locals renting their homes to Super Bowl LI visitors
HOUSTON (FOX 26) - We've heard lots of talk about people lining up to rent their homes for the Super Bowl in Houston, but are those homes moving? Are visitors to Houston renting them?
Houston real estate agent Garland Bennett says he's had nine people to sign up to rent their homes in Houston for the big game and half of those properties are already booked.
Timothy Moses has a three bedroom home in that very area and he's hoping to cash in on the Super Bowl. He's opened the doors to his town house for $2000 a night, and the prices are always negotiable.
But the question is how safe will Moses' home be with strangers? Could it possibly be trashed by those who may go over the limit with partying. Is he concerned?
"No, I'm not concerned. The concerns that I had, the realtor helping us rent it out, he addressed those for us. Told us that we had some safe stops to make sure no one messes it up. If so, that's what the deposit is for," Moses said.
Bennett also says in the limited time left to get your home on the market you should also get clearance from your home owner's association.
He says, "make sure you reach out to your HOA make sure you don't get yourself in trouble as far as following the bylaws of your community."