Detroit woman says BetMGM won't pay $3 million she won in online game due to 'glitch'
DETROIT (FOX 2) - Jacqueline Davis says she's a gambler and recently got hooked on internet casino betting, specifically, BetMGM and its St. Patrick's Day "Luck O' the Roulette" game.
Woman says BetMGM won't pay her $3 million she won online due to glitch
At the end of March, Jacqueline Davis went to MGM in Detroit to get a $100,000 advance on her winnings. She was given $100,000 in cash. Then she went back the next day to get more money but she says MGM told her no, and that she was not getting any more money.
FOX 2: "Did you play a particular number?"
"Pretty much every number on the table," she said. "I was losing a lot, but I was also winning a lot."
Davis, from Detroit, says she began with a $50 bet - and then gradually increased.
"The max on the table was $5,000," she said.
And Jacqueline started on March 18th and played for five straight days. She says she played all day and didn't get much rest.
"Who sleeps when they're winning money," she quipped.
And winning money Jacqueline was. In fact, within the course of five days, she was up and down, over $11 million. But when she finally decided to stop, she was ahead - with winnings of $3 million.
"When it got to the three, I wanted to start withdrawing," she said.
At the end of March, Davis went to MGM in Detroit to get a $100,000 advance on her winnings. She was given $100,000 in cash. Then she went back the next day to get more money but she says MGM told her no, and that she was not getting any more money.
"They are claiming there was a glitch in the game," Davis said.
Her lawyer, David Steingold, says even if there was a glitch - that's not a defense, and that MGM should have checked it to make sure it was working correctly.
"They were instructed by regulation to check this every single night, every 24 hours," Steingold said. "And my client played for five straight days."
And Steingold questions the "glitches" and wants to find out how much BetMGM actually made on the Luck O' the Roulette online game.

"In other words, did everybody who lost money get the money back?" Steingold added.
FOX 2: "Some might say you knew the game was broken. Did you?"
"How could I?" Davis said.
FOX 2: "Because you were winning."
"The purpose of gambling is to win," she said.
Her attorney said that a settlement of sorts was offered: Jacqueline could keep the $100,000 and sign a confidentiality agreement which stated that if this "glitch" ever got out, she would have to give back the $100,000 plus pay BetMGM's costs.
FOX 2 did reach out to the BetMGM attorney in New Jersey, but he had no comment - and hung up the phone.