Getting your wife 'in the mood' & balancing career with relationship
Viewer questions are awesome this week! Paul asks how to get his wife in the mood, and Ninaji asks how to balance work and his relationship.
Dear Mary Jo, How do I get my wife more interested or into the mood for sex? Thanks, Paul
Dear Paul, Women have a slower start, but they feel sex just as intense as men. Here are five of the most important things to help her get in the mood. 1. Begin foreplay in the morning. Do sweet actions for her. 2. Set the mood…make it different, women are bored easily with sex. 3. Whisper in her ear, remember her erogenous zones, and don’t be afraid to try new things to excite her. 4. Make it about her needs and her desires first. 5. Lay next to her, talk to her and kiss her….you’re not performing for her, you’re loving her.
Dear Mary Jo, How do I balance a busy working career and my relationship? Thanks, Ninaji
Dear Ninaji, People who have a secure love life enjoy their work more and are more productive, but making and keeping that balance is difficult. Here are four actions that can make it easier to balance both. 1. Talk to your partner about your budget, career plans and goals, and be honest about sacrifices that both of you will have to make for each other to succeed. 2. Have scheduled time together each evening and turn your electronics off. It isn’t how much time you take that’s important, but that you both commit and follow through with taking it. 3. Stay away from work talk while on dates, and do take date nights every week no matter what is going on in your life. 4. Schedule downtime for yourself to go out, invest in a new hobby or watch a favorite program. You need alone time to feel more balanced in your significant relationship.