S.A.F.E. Diversity Communities | 2019 Blue Carpet Scholarship Awards Gala

S.A.F.E. Diversity Communities hosts their

5th Annual Blue Carpet Scholarship Awards Gala

WHEN:           May 3, 2019 at 6:30pm

WHERE:        Doubletree Hotel | 15745 JFK Blvd, Houston TX


Student and Family Empowerment Diversity Communities (SAFE) is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit organization that has served high school students with disabilities in different school districts since 2000. SAFE solicits scholarship sponsors throughout the year for students with emotional, mental, and physical disabilities. Their organization encourages, empowers and equips students to become self-sufficient, discover their maximum potential and achieve their academic goals.
The scholarship awards ceremony is a celebration for our students who had the courage to graduate high school and an opportunity to walk across a stage in front of their classmates, family and friends that will give them hope for tomorrow and the insight that someone LOVES them despite their disability.
Proceeds will go towards continuing SAFE Diversity Communities monthly programs at different high schools, activities related to discovering students with unique abilities and providing a monthly educational workshop and Health and Wellness Resource Fair for students and educating their parents and family members. Your gift 100% tax deductible.
This non-profit organization (ID #75-0587180) whose vision is: stop the stigma, reduce the drop out and suicide rate for at-risk high school students with disabilities. They motivate and encourage students to become Disability Advocates and not to let bullying and intimidations by other students or adults that may cause them to drop out of high school or become suicidal.  SAFE encourages their students to know a disability is the opportunity to demonstrate extraordinary “Unique Abilities” in school or the workplace.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email:

Committee Chair - Email: safediversity@gmail.com

Website: www.safediversitycommunities.org

To purchase Tickets go to Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/4th-annual-unique-blue-carpet-scholarship-awards-gala-tickets-42306207004?aff=es2