Make It Right event this weekend helps people resolve old warrants in Houston
HOUSTON - Houston residents pending cases with Harris County Precincts 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 will have a chance to resolve legal issues this weekend at the Make it Right! warrant forgiveness event.
The opportunity will be held this Saturday, February 15th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the George R Brown Convention Center located at 1001 Avenida De Las Americas in downtown.
This event is for individuals with outstanding Class C warrant(s) or other pending charges, with the exception of assault.
Make It Right! is designed to help Houston residents with low-level, nonviolent misdemeanor offenses “make things right” by getting outstanding warrants removed and pending cases resolved with no immediate financial cost and no risk of arrest.
Attorneys from the Harris County Public Defender's Office will be on-site to provide legal advice and counsel.
Employers and volunteers from local, community-based organizations will be on hand with information about jobs, job training, educational opportunities, as well as legal referral services.
For more information visit the Harris County District Attorney's Office website or call 713-274-5800.